Branded Items

OCI Creative Services is the internal consultant for brand assets for groups within our service area.

Request our services if you need brand assets for your unit.

Pantone color swatches fanned out on a desk

Departmental Signatures (Logos)

Marketing, Messaging, and Engagement (MME) creates departmental signatures (“logos”).

We request MME’s services on your behalf after confirming your unit’s official name. Please submit a request so we may assist you.

MME needs one week’s notice to create your departmental signatures.

You access your departmental signatures on MME’s SharePoint when they’re ready. (MME does not permit us to host a separate copy of departmental signatures in another directory.)

We use your departmental signatures on promotional items and any other graphic requests you have.

Custom Artwork

Custom artwork can be used on promo items and carried across print and digital collateral to brand your event or service.

Custom artwork, sometimes referred to as “logos” may not be used in isolation for any reason and must always be used with the departmental signature or main UTA logo per UTA brand standards.

Custom artwork may require up to one months’ notice.

We must consult with Marketing, Messaging and Engagement (MME) and discuss the artwork first. We create the art in accordance with UTA brand standards. We provide the final art to MME for their approval before using the art.

This artwork was created for the Blazing Race and was used on posters, t-shirts, a table runner, and digital items.

It was approved because it was presented with the official UTA TCE Wellness logo in each usage.

Custom artwork may not be used by itself.

timeline icon


We need a minimum of two weeks‘ notice to schedule work. (Vendors may need advance notice for manufactured items. )

We cannot start until after we receive complete and final text and elements.