Communication Kits

A Communication Kit is a set of materials (digital and print) to use when communicating about an event, service, product, initiative, or other campaign. All items match one other and use consistent visual styling.

Pantone color swatches fanned out on a desk

What is a Communication Kit?

A Communication Kit is a set of materials (digital and print) to use when communicating about an event, service, product, initiative, or other campaign. All items match one other and use consistent visual styling.

A Communication Kit includes by default:

  1. Graphic for email signature (1000×400 px)
  2. Graphic for email body and MavWire (620×360 px)
  3. Graphic for website (620×360 px or custom upon request)
  4. Graphic for Teams or social media* (1024×1024)

*A UTA unit logo is required if the graphic will be posted to an external social media channel.

Users may also request à la carte Add-Ons:

We’ll provide the following with your graphics:

What Do I Need to Provide?

Please provide the following with your request:

What Text is Needed?

OCI Creative Services can help you write your text, but please provide relevant details for context.

All items in a Communication Kit have consistent text that includes the following:

  • Headline – an attention-getting title
  • Call to Action – what action you’d like your users to take; dates or times
  • Website Link – where your users can find the complete details
  • Body Text* – brief explanatory text

*Digital graphics (email, website, MavWire, social media) use only the headline, call to action, and website link. They do not use the body text. Body text is only used on the digital flyer add-on, if requested. It is provided to OLC Web Team and OLC Communications Team for use in the email body, website body, MavWire body, et cetera.

Text in images cannot be read by screen readers. Text in images is only a picture, not real text.

Include an alt-tag wherever graphics are used to describe their function or appearance. Present the headline, call to action, website link, and body text as live text with the graphic.

*The body text is used with the graphic. Use body text in the following areas:

  • email body
  • MavWire blurb
  • social media
  • Pegasus or in Teams
  • digital flyer

*The body text is meant to be paired with the following:

  • graphic with alt-tag
  • headline
  • call to action
  • website link to more information

This is done so that all users can access the information. See our Effective Graphics and Effective Flyers courses for additional context. See the examples below for more clarity.

timeline icon


We need a minimum of two weeks‘ notice to schedule work. (Vendors may need advance notice for manufactured items. )

We cannot start until after we receive complete and final text and elements.